Blog Archive

Monday, April 11, 2016

I wasn't totally flattered or anything...

Last semester, I finally finished my doctorate. It took me seven years and I cried on a regular basis. It was a tremendous accomplishment...and an extreme exercise in patience and persistence.

In the end, it was worth it.
A few of my colleagues are considering or are currently pursuing a doctorate as well.

One of them came to see me Thursday afternoon.

He wanted to talk to me about his statement of purpose and overarching research question.

I wasn't totally flattered or anything...then he said it was because he had found our previous discussions so helpful...I could feel my head swelling...

This isn't the first time we have talked about his studies or about his teaching for that matter. We occasionally have really intense, productive conversations. I thought we always learned from each other. It was nice to hear my assumption of mutual benefit confirmed.
I digress. Back to the story. He pulled out his phone and read me what he had so far. I asked him to reread it to me several times and thought about it.

Then I asked some questions, listened to the answers, and gave a few suggestions and listened some more.

He mentioned some motivational theorists and Carol Dweck. I mentioned Drive by Daniel Pink.

In the end, I think he had a much stronger starting point for his research and I had some new ideas to contemplate.

I ran into him the next day. He had already procured a copy of the book we discussed. I can't wait to see what he thinks of it.

It is a good thing when professionals support each other's continued learning both in and beyond the classroom. I enjoy this type of exchange and sometimes wish it scholarship was more integrated into our work as educators.


What do you think? Does this good thing remind you of a story of your own? Have a question or comment? Please leave a comment!