Thursday, January 26, 2017

So I made sandwiches.

Today, I made sandwiches.

For normal people, that might not mean much.

However, I do not cook.

I do not cook to an extent that sandwich making counts.

And I didn't make some wimpy just for me sandwich either.

Actually, I wouldn't do that, I don't really like sandwiches.

All bread and not quite enough of the good stuff covered in condiments I don't care for.

Regardless, I made ginormous sub sandwiches for all the judges and coaches at a debate tournament.

That's like 40 people.

I'm told they were good too.

As assistant adult (I refuse to own the moniker coach), I was in charge of the hospitality room.

You know, the get some food, caffeine, and time away from the teens room.

So I made sandwiches.

The important part of this is not the sandwiches, though I am obscenely proud of that.

The important part is we successfully hosted a tournament.

With very little drama, delay, or stop gap runs to the store next door.

We had enough of most everything.

It was nice to see all the adults relax.

It was interesting to hear them talk about their students.

I enjoyed monitoring the soda supply and putting out cookies.

I also walked like 25,000 steps and was sagging by 7:15, but it was worth it.

Seeing kids get excited about memorizing anything was kind of a kick.

Listening to them bicker over who gets to do the dishes was definitely entertaining.

On the eve of a contentious inauguration, we existed in a bubble of positive and calm.

It was an exhausting event.

And it was amazing.

It was a good thing.

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