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Thursday, April 21, 2016

It was a pretty epic fail.

Tuesday was CCR (College and Career Readiness) Day.

300+ Juniors took the ACT.

The Seniors heard an inspirational speech by Koran Bolden and then went bowling.

300+ Sophomores visited a local community college.

400 or so Freshmen visited a local four year college.

As far as I heard, the Juniors did a great job. The Seniors mostly had a pretty good time. The Sophomores experienced a well-planned, thoughtful and informative program.

But I was with the Freshmen and we were not so lucky.

Our visit was not particularly well-planned, lacked forethought, and was not nearly as informative as we might have hoped.

It was a pretty epic fail that resulted in said 400 or so freshmen having close to three HOURS of downtime in the afternoon.

By now, I imagine, your thinking "This does not sound like a good thing."

In some ways, it wasn't.

The tour of the university was uneventful. We barely stepped into any of the buildings we passed.

Lunch took hours. We sat in the sun on a field with nary a distraction to provide relief.

Upon our return, we had almost 90 minutes to kill, I mean fill...

And yet, it was a good thing.

Because our students conducted themselves appropriately.

Because they stayed positive and tried to enjoy themselves.

Because they asked good questions about college.

Because they occupied themselves instead of whining about boredom.

It was a disappointing and frustrating day for me. Except for those kids didn't get mad, or rowdy, or obnoxious.

I was impressed with them. They were patient, kind, thoughtful. So while the adult end of this endeavor crumbled, the kids, they shined.


What do you think? Does this good thing remind you of a story of your own? Have a question or comment? Please leave a comment!